02/11/2020 5738 Views
Experience in successful food service business
30/10/2020 2982 Views
10 Cooking Tips learned from Chefs for housewives
28/10/2020 4821 Views
How to boiled delicios chicken
26/10/2020 11609 Views
Snail is a food with many nutritional values, but because it lives in mud, it contains a lot of impurities. Therefore, when preparing food from snails, housewives are often confused because they do not know how to remove mud and grease. Here are some simple and quick ways to clean the snail.
12/10/2020 5779 Views
Spices are considered the soul of the dish, an extremely important ingredient to make the dish more delicious and attractive and at the same time stimulating the digestive system of the human body to accelerate digestion. The following article will help you with more information about the spices and cooking unit specializing in supplying wholesale condiments to reputable restaurants.
10/10/2020 5298 Views
Eating Seafood With These Food Is Harmful To Health
08/10/2020 7404 Views
How to Preserve & Thaw Frozen Seafood
06/10/2020 8195 Views
How To Distinguish Organic Pork From Clean Pork
04/10/2020 3519 Views
Housewives often have a habit of preserving meat in the refrigerator for use over many days, but not everyone knows how to properly preserve meat in the refrigerator. According to experts in nutrition and food safety, freezing meat if not done properly will easily invade the meat by bacteria and cause dangerous diseases.
The contents below are to guide you through some simple ways to help preserve fresh or cooked meat in the best refrigerator.